Customer Success – Clir Renewables



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July 29, 2022

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Customer Success
Granted helped Clir Renewables secure over $229k in grant funding to hire staff for growth

Executive Summary

  • Clir Renewables needed to hire highly competitive talent to be able to sustain growth. 
  • Clir did not have the time or resources internally needed to maximize their grant funding initiatives and felt that they were leaving money on the table. 
  • Granted was able to secure ~$300k in grant funding within the first year which helped Clir hire staff for growth


Clir renewables is an AI data company that provides investment firms with the information they need to maximize their return on renewable energy projects. By doing so, these investors and asset managers will be more likely to favour renewable energy projects rather than ones that are based on fossil fuels. Founded in 2017 in Vancouver, Canada, Clir Renewables now has 125 employees across the world and has access to 200+GW of wind and solar data.

Being in the emerging and high-growth renewable energy sector and already securing Series A and Series B funding, they knew that people believed in their vision and that there was a bright future if they were to execute their projects quickly. They simply needed the funding for manpower.


Clir Renewable’s AI was the key to its success. As a result, Clir needed to fill its ranks with  talent spread between three highly competitive and highly sought-after fields – AI, Data Science and Software Development. 

Additionally, located in Vancouver Canada, Clir Renewables had to compete for talent in a city where SAP, Microsoft and Amazon also had large offices. 

Grant Challenges

Clir was aware of various grants that would allow help partially fund their activities however, they found the process very time-consuming. Additionally, they were only aware of a few grants and did not have time to research additional grants to apply for. 

Clir was not maximizing its grant funding potential and was thus limiting its ability to grow as a company. Clir then turned to Granted for assistance with securing grant funding. 


Granted was hired in Sept 2021 to assist with the grant process for Clir Renewables. After a kickoff call and a strategy session, Granted researched possible grants that fit Clir’s business goals.

After a thorough search, many grants were found to be a good fit. Granted then proceeded to help Clir Renewables apply, manage, claim and report on a variety of grants that fit their growth strategy.


From Sept 2021 to June 2022, Granted was able secure Clir Renewables approximately $229k in grant funding for hiring. 

This allowed Clir to hire students and supplement the highly contemplative salaries of AI, Data Science and Software Development roles. Further, HR department at Clir no longer needed to manage any of the administrative duties of researching, applying and reporting on grants.