Customer Success – Juke Fried Chicken



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June 18, 2022

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Granted helped Juke Fried Chicken hire staff by securing $50k in grant funding within the first month

Executive Summary

  • Juke Fried Chicken needed to rehire after COVID restrictions started lifting
  • Juke was denied grant funding in previous attempts and the process left Juke frustrated
  • Granted was able to secure ~$50k in grant funding within the first month to allow Juke to rehire and expand. 


Located in the heart of Vancouver’s Chinatown, Juke Fried chicken specializes in delicious fried comfort food. Opened in 2016, Juke has been a staple in the area for many years and had created many fans with its delicious chicken, ribs, sandwiches and snacks. 

Like many restaurants, COVID 19 hit their business exceptionally hard. Though they were primarily a take-out business, Juke was not spared the wrath of COVID19 related business decline. In 2022, Covid restrictions were being lifted but Juke had to face additional business operation problems. 


The lifting of COVID19 restrictions seemed like a light at the end of the tunnel but Juke was faced with the aftermath of these restrictions. 

Many previous employees had moved on, consumers were pivoting to ordering online, and increased demand in the service industry had driven up hire costs. Juke needed to not only hire cooks but also needed to hire marketing staff to keep up with customer expectations and demand. 

Grant Challenges

COVID-related government grants were well known and like many restaurants, Juke applied for government funding assistance. 

However, Juke had trouble qualifying for funding. As Juke was originally a take-out oriented business, it did not meet many of the requirements for COVID relief grants mean for sitdown-type restaurants and did not qualify to receive funding.

This ultimately lead to a distaste for the grant process and Juke had almost abandoned the idea of grant funding. 


Granted was hired in 2022 to assist with the grant process for Juke Fried Chicken. After a kickoff call and a strategy session, Granted researched possible grants that fit Jukes’ business goals.

After a thorough search, many grants were found to be a good fit. Granted then proceeded to help Juke apply, manage, claim and report on a variety of grants that fit their growth strategy.


Within the first month, Granted was able to secure approximately $50k in grant funding primarily for wage subsidies and hiring grants. 

This not only allowed Juke to be able to hire cooks and production at a competitive wage but was also able to hire their first marketing professional to increase Juke’s online presence and visibility. 

As a result, Juke is able to stay competitive, viable and best of all – continue to provide delicious fried chicken with their customers.

Granted was able to do what we couldn’t do ourselves – get us the grant funding we needed to stay competitive and grow our restaurant
Justin Tisdale
